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NPDB Insights




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The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The December Insights answers a reporting question and provides NPDB account maintenance tips. It also clarifies the differences between MSOs and MCOs.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
We updated NPDB Public Use Data File (PUF) and the Data Analysis Tool (DAT). The PUF and DAT now include data from September 1, 1990, through September 30, 2023. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The November Insights answers questions about reporting advanced practice nurses and physician assistants. It provides tips on preventing lockouts of your account, how to best use authorized agents, and how to sign in without a DBID.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The October Insights explains reporting for health plans. It clarifies when organizations can share a query report. And it answers a reporting question.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The September Insights announces the NPDB's new sign in method: multi-factor authentication, or MFA! It gives important security tips and tricks. And it describes how to set up a new ambulatory surgery center with the NPDB.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
We updated NPDB Public Use Data File (PUF) and the Data Analysis Tool (DAT). The PUF and DAT now include data from September 1, 1990, through June 30, 2023. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The August Insights answers a reporting question and clarifies what to include in a narrative description. It explains how to submit multiple query requests at one time and how to register with the NPDB.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The July Insights explains how to best use agents, and defines the four different report types. It answers a reporting question and whether the NPDB accepts digital notarizing.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The June Insights announces our new webinar! It explains how to read query responses and how to change your entity's NPDB information. And it answers a reporting question.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
We updated NPDB Public Use Data File (PUF) and the Data Analysis Tool (DAT). The PUF and DAT now include data from September 1, 1990, through March 31, 2023. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The May Insights highlights the 10 year anniversary of the NPDB-HIPDB merger. It also provides resources for policy and reporting questions. This edition promotes digitally certified PDFs for Self-Queries.
New technical assistance is available
Technical assistance is now available for Boards of nursing regarding fraudulent nursing degrees (Operation Nightingale). You can find additional guidance on the Policy Corner page.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The April Insights announces a new training video! It clarifies hospital querying requirements and describes how to use Stored Subjects to enroll subjects in Continuous Query.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The March Insights announces Patient Safety Awareness Week! It provides background and statistics on the NPDB's work to enhance patient safety and protect against fraud in the US.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
We updated NPDB Public Use Data File (PUF) and the Data Analysis Tool (DAT). The PUF and DAT now include data from September 1, 1990, through December 31, 2022. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The February Insights discusses NPDB compliance. It announces our new webinar and explains report forwarding. And it answers a reporting question.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The January Insights announces our new webinar and some updates to reporting codes. It answers a reporting question. And it describes how state licensing boards can use Continuous Query. The Dear NPDB explains how you can set up multiple Data Bank administrators.


The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The December Insights asks what you want to see in Insights! It also gives you tips to keep your account up to date and spotlights federal hospitals.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
We updated NPDB Public Use Data File (PUF) and the Data Analysis Tool (DAT). The PUF and DAT now include data from September 1, 1990, through September 30, 2022. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The November Insights answers a reporting question. It links to our new webinar resources and explains what you need to know about reporting proctoring. The Dear NPDB explains when you need to cancel a Continuous Query enrollment.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The October Insights gives links to helpful website resources. It gives tips to create a secure password. The Dear NPDB explains why narrative descriptions are important.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The September Insights announces our new webinar! It gives instructions on how to view historical Continuous Queries. And the Dear NPDB answers how long a report stays in the NPDB.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
We updated NPDB Public Use Data File (PUF) and the Data Analysis Tool (DAT). The PUF and DAT now include data from September 1, 1990, through June 30, 2022. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The August Insights gives a link to our narrative descriptions webinar. The NPDB Spotlight features medical malpractice payers. The Dear NPDB answers how to delete user accounts. We also give you a sneak peek at the NPDB NAMSS conference exhibit!
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The July Insights announces our Writing Narrative Descriptions for Reports Webinar, answers a reportability question, provides instructions for updating report information and designating an authorized agent, and clarifies how long it takes reports to become available in the NPDB.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The June Insights announces the Writing Narrative Descriptions for Reports Webinar, gives access to our recorded NPDB 101 webinar and Q&As, answers a reportability, spotlights health plans, and provides instructions on what to do when you forget your NPDB account password.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2022. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The May Insights answers a reportability question, explains how hospitals interact with the NPDB, provides information on how to use NPIs with the NPDB, and defines who can be enrolled in Continuous Query.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The April Insights announces the NPDB 101 Webinar, answers a reportability question, introduces our new How to Use Continuous Query video, and provides instructions on how to become the new administrator of your organization.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The March Insights answers a reportability question, provides new and updated 2021 data and resources, and describes how practitioners interact with the NPDB.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2021. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The February Insights answers a reportability question, provides steps on how to change your organization's information with the NPDB, and clarifies with whom an organization can share a query response.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The January Insights answers a reportability question, clarifies whether or not hospitals are required to keep records of their queries, and explains how query credits work.


The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The December Insights answers a reportability question, provides resources for NPDB virtual education requests, lists recordings and Q&As of past NPDB webcasts, and describes the role of a hospital administrator.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2021. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The November Insights announces the Is It Reportable? Webcast, answers a reportability question, gives ten fun facts about Medical Malpractice Payment Reports, provides findings from the NPDB User Survey, and details how to know if your Self-Query response is certified.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The October Insights answers a reportability question, reminds users of the NPDB query fee change, outlines administrator responsibilities, and provides instructions for responding to dispute information requests and canceling Continuous Query enrollments.
NPDB Query Fee Change
On October 1, 2021, the NPDB changed our querying fees. A single One-Time Query, Continuous Query enrollment, and query credit are now $2.50 each. The cost of a digitally certified Self-Query is $3.00. For more information, see our NPDB to Change Query Fees article.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The September Insights announces changes to NPDB querying fees and user password requirements, answers a reportability question, and clarifies dispute eligibility.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2021. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The August Insights announces changes to NPDB querying fees and continuous query enrollment, answers a reportability question, and clarifies what happens during a compliance review.
Change in Query Fees
Announced in the Federal Register, effective October 1, 2021, the NPDB will increase fees for Continuous Query and One-Time from $2.00 to $2.50. The cost of a Self-Query will be reduced from $4.00 to $3.00, with an additional $3.00 fee for each mailed paper copy.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The July Insights announces the Compliance Update webcast for state licensing boards, answers a reportability question, introduces the NPDB's new certified Self-Query responses, and provides step-by-step instructions for reporting other adjudicated actions or decisions.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The June Insights features our new How to Order a Self-Query training video, announces our NPDB User Survey and reporting updates for state boards and certification agencies, answers a reportability question, provides step-by-step instructions for reporting criminal convictions, and details how to view an old Self-Query response.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2021. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The May Insights announces the NPDB User Survey and reporting updates planned for state licensing and certification agencies, answers a reportability question, provides step-by-step instructions for reporting civil judgments, and clarifies what the NPDB considers a health plan.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The April Insights announces our Medical Malpractice Reporting Requirements Teleconference, answers a reportability question, provides step-by-step instructions on reporting Medical Malpractice payment reports, and explains the advantages of Continuous Query.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The March Insights gives a preview of reporting updates planned for state licensing and certification agencies, answers a reportability question, highlights updated 2020 data and resources, details step-by-step instructions for reporting state licensure actions, and outlines eligibility requirements for registering with the NPDB.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2020. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The February Insights answers a reportability question, introduces a new series of articles detailing step-by-step instructions for reporting, and clarifies the differences between a practitioner's Self-Query and a query submitted by an organization.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The January Insights answers a reportability question, gives tips on how to keep your account running smoothly, provides reporting resources, and explains when to submit void reports.


The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The December Insights answers a reportability question, gives an overview of resources updated in 2020, provides quick tips on how to report unlicensed practitioners, and explains how to use a CVO to query.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2020. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The November Insights gives you a chance to register for our Attestation Teleconference, answers a reportability question, explains the disputes process, and clarifies reporting deadlines.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The October Insights announces the Attestation teleconference and the new Customer Service Center survey, answers a reportability question, provides a roundup of the query fee waiver, explains the NPDB's secure messaging system, and describes the differences between a Correction Report and a Revision-to-Action Report.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The September Insights announces attestation updates, the end of the query fee waiver, and the NPDB 101 teleconference; answers a reportability question; provides information about investigations; and clarifies when entities should query.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2020. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The August Insights announces the NPDB 101 Teleconference, answers a reportability question, explains the reasons for reporting, provides tips on writing report narrative descriptions, and describes the differences between One-Time and Continuous Query.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The July Insights provides an update to the NPDB query fee waiver, answers a reportability question, explains who is reportable to the NPDB, offers tips for keeping your account up-to-date, and provides a timeline for when reports are available after submission.
NPDB Query Fee Waiver Extended For Registered Entities
The NPDB query fee waiver has been extended through September 30, 2020. The NPDB continues to support our users' efforts in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The June Insights answers query credit questions, explains how to query and report temporary privileges and employees, provides resources for uploading electronic documents, and answers a reportability question.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2020. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The May Insights provides an update for reporting during COVID-19, explains the differences between querying with centralized vs. decentralized credentialing, supplies an overview of reporting, and addresses how much information is needed when submitting a query.
National Practitioner Data Bank Query Fees Waived Through May 31, 2020
The NPDB is temporarily waiving query fees (both one-time query and continuous query) to support our users' efforts in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. The waiver is retroactive from March 1, 2020, through May 31, 2020.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The April Insights provides an update on the NPDB's efforts in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, answers a reportability question, addresses the advantages of maintaining multiple administrator accounts, and explains when proctoring is reportable.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The March Insights answers a reportability question, discusses how patient safety relates to attestation, provides resources for continuous report monitoring, and provides a list of updated data resources.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2019. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The February Insights announces the Querying Webcast, answers a reportability question, explains how to use your Subject Database, and provides an overview of NPDB summary emails.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The January Insights answers a reportability question, discusses reports submitted after 30 days, announces the upcoming webcasts, and highlights the new compliance map.


The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The December Insights answers a reportability question, provides ways to submit better reports, and explains when you can query the NPDB.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2019. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The November Insights answers a reportability question, highlights how state boards can benefit from report forwarding, and announces the new dispute infographic.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The October Insights answers a reportability question, highlights the upcoming Clinical Privileges Webcast, and explains the new administrator process.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The September Insights answers a reportability question, announces the Clinical Privileges webcast, explains what you can share with your surveyor, and highlights health plan reporting.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The August Insights answers a reportability question, highlights reporting agreements, expands attestation to more organizations, and releases update state board compliance results.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2019. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The July Insights answers a reportability question, explores when investigations are reportable, provides reporting tips, and explains confidentiality with the NPDB.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The June Insights answers a reportability question, provides highlights from the education forum, and informs you how to update your organization's information.
Public Use Data File and Data Analysis Tool Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File and the Data Analysis Tool have been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2019. The files do not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The May Insights answers a reportability question, announces updates to the QRXS code lists, explores which professions your organization can query, and explains when proctoring is reportable.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The April Insights answers a reportability question, provides an annual update of statistical data, highlights the importance of providing a narrative when reporting, and addresses when you should cancel continuous query enrollments.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The March Insights illuminates the dispute process, points users to resources that help determine if a situation is reportable, and discusses how patient safety related to querying and reporting.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The February Insights introduces a new credentialing infographic, announces medical malpractice payer attestation, answers a reportability question, and discusses if hospitals are required to keep records of queries.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2018. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The January Insights asks registered users to save the date for our Education Forum, answers a reportability question, and discusses two helpful ways to use our system: monthly summary emails and a new search tool.


The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The December Insights answers a reportability question, highlights the 2019 Education Forum, and releases new federal agency and federal hospital pages.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The November Insights announces the updated guidebook, answers a reportability question, and highlights National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2018. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The updated NPDB Guidebook is now available!
The updated NPDB Guidebook is now available.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The October Insights announces the 2019 Education Forum, answers a reportability question, provides assistance for refunds, and highlights how we support our users.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The September Insights answers a reportability question, provides assistance viewing continuous query enrollments and reconciling payments, and provides a Customer Service Center Quick Tip.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The August Insights answers a reportability question, announces new attestation initiative for health plans, explains Adverse Action Reports, and provides a Customer Service Center Quick Tip.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2018. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The July Insights answers a reportability question, explains Medical Malpractice Payment Reports, and announces the updated Data Analysis Tool with data from 2017.
The Updated Data Analysis Tool
The Research Statistics Tool has been integrated into the NPDB's Data Analysis Tool, which has new functionality and modern look as well as 2017 data.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The June Insights answers a reportability question, provides a password tip from the customer service center, highlights the importance of the NPI number for querying and reporting, and explains judgement and conviction reports.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The May Insights answers a reportability question, explains how to save time with report forwarding, provides a tip from the customer service center, and identifies the types of reports.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2018. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The April Insights helps readers understand query responses and NPDB ​reports, as well as announces updates for QRXS users.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
The March Insights focuses on how the NPDB improves patient safety through continuous query and attestation efforts, including a reportable scenario.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, announces updates for the State licensing board compliance process, and informs users about the benefits of query pre-payment.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2017. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, provides helpful tips for 2018, announces hospital attestation, and highlights the opportunity for training.


The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, summarizes the new reporting infographics, and explains how to stay current with your practitioners by using Continuous Query.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2017. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, explains the importance of not sharing user accounts, summarizes the recent policy gudiance and announces the release of a new infographic.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, provides tips for Data Bank administrators, and summarizes the September Compliance Review infographic.
New Policy Guidance Available!
New policy guidance is available for Length of Action Requirement for Reporting Clinical Privileging Actions. Additional policy guidance can be found on the Policy Corner page.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, releases a new infographic, and explains when queries can be shared in a health system.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2017. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only. The file is now availible in CSV format.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, explains when your organization should query, and summarizes the July Compliance Review.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights announces Health Center attestation webinars, answers a reportability question, summarizes the updates to the Research Statistics and Data Analysis Tools, and provides guidance on the Self-Query process with a new infographic.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, highlights the new eGuidebook share features, and summarizes the May Compliance Review.
Research Statistics And Data Analysis Tool Updated!
The NPDB Research Statistics and the Data Analysis Tool were updated to reflect data through 2016.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2017. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, highlights how to get the most out of your queries, and provides guidance about your organization's subject database.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, highlights new reporting guide infographics, and provides guidance about a new password feature.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights focuses on medical malpractice payments, answering a reportability question on the topic, providing information about medical malpractice payments and the NPDB, and introducing the new medical malpractice payment reporting infographic.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights alerts users to a new password feature, answers a medical malpractice reportability question, introduces two new infographics about querying, and highlights new NPDB features for hospitals.


The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, highlights the new reporting guide infographics, and explains the importance of proper NPDB coding.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2016. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, introduces the latest compliance map infographic, and alerts users to new Policy Corner guidance.
New Policy Guidance Available!
New policy guidance is available for Reporting by Non-Licensing Board Agencies and for Basis for Action Codes: Why Accurate Coding is Critically Important. Additional policy guidance can be found on the Policy Corner page.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, introduces a new password feature, and focuses on health center attestation.
Query Fee Reduction
The cost of both One-Time Query and Continuous Query was reduced from $3.00 to $2.00. The cost of a Self-Query was also reduced, from $5.00 to $4.00.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights reminds users of two upcoming enhancements, answers a reportability question, and introduces the NPDB Policy Corner, as well as a new compliance infographic.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2016. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights reminds users about an upcoming enhancement that may affect them, answers a reportability question, introduces a new sharing feature on NPDB web pages, and announces an upcoming query fee reduction.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, introduces a Self-Query enhancement that allows document uploading, and discusses the expanded attestation initiative.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, introduces the NPDB's new infographic series, and discusses the confidentiality of NPDB information.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2016. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights discusses how the NPDB is working for you, answers a reportability question, and advises organizations with recently-changed information.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, informs users about the benefits of query pre-payment, and discusses the newest webpages you may have missed.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights introduces the revamped Information for Attorneys page, answers a reportability question, explains how an organization can benefit from designating more than one Data Bank administrator, and informs users of an upcoming security update that may affect them.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2015. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
Information for Attorneys Page Enhanced
The NPDB has revamped the Information for Attorneys page, which now contains more robust guidance and useful links for attorneys about what should be reported to the NPDB, what they may access in the NPDB (and how), and other information.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights reviews the web enhancements and updates of 2015, introduces the new NPDB Help Center, and describes why readers should use NPI numbers when querying and reporting.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights informs users about their login information reset/retrieval options, discusses guidance about the reporting of nurse aide registry findings, and answers a question about the withdrawal of an initial application for medical staff appointment.

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Querying and Reporting Enhancements Go Into Effect!
The NPDB has enhanced the look of querying and reporting, and improved the workflow for agents and Credentials Verification Organizations (CVOs). See our agent enhancements webpage for more details.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights introduces querying and reporting enhancements, informs users about clarified administrative fee guidance, and discusses what should be done when an NPDB user leaves an organization.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2015. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights introduces the enhanced Frequently Asked Questions page, informs users about the Management Tools page's new name (Account Administration), and tells state boards how they can provide up-to-date Self-Query instructions.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights answers a reportability question, explains the difference between a correction and a revision to a report, and discusses malpractice payments and high-low agreements.
The Latest Version of NPDB Insights is Now Available!
This NPDB Insights introduces exciting enhancements coming for agent organizations, celebrates 25 years of NPDB service, and details the usability benefits of the e-Guidebook.
The August NPDB News is Now Available!
The August 2015 NPDB News alerts users to the ability to upload renewal documents, discusses the benefits of report forwarding, and details what you need to know about querying other organizations.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2015. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The July NPDB News is Now Available!
The July 2015 NPDB News reminds readers about the e-Guidebook, gives readers technology tips to improve their web browsing experience, and explains how to interpret Continuous Query responses.
The e-Guidebook is Available!
The e-Guidebook (the web version of the NPDB Guidebook) is now available. The content is the same as the PDF Guidebook, but you no longer need to download a PDF to view the Guidebook's content. The e-Guidebook features easy-to-navigate chapters, a search function for the Guidebook pages only, easy-to-open links to other sections, and the ability to print just one section.
The June NPDB News is Now Available!
The June 2015 NPDB News informs users about the NPDB's "suggestion box" email address, details the benefits of the new and improved Guidebook, gives tips for getting the most out of your query, and links users to the newest educational videos.
NPDB Enhancements!
Users will now notice a consolidated, easier-to-use query form for One-Time Query for single names, as well as for Continuous Query. In addition, query results for these transactions, in most cases, will be shown immediately after submission - no need to come back later to view the query result on the View Responses screen.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2015. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The May NPDB News is Now Available!
The May 2015 NPDB News informs users about upcoming homepage and query form enhancements, shares the email address to which users may send their suggestions, reminds users about the benefits of Continuous Query, and details the role users play in protecting NPDB data.
The updated NPDB Guidebook is now available!
The new NPDB Guidebook is now available, featuring updated policy guidance.
The April NPDB News is Now Available!
The April 2015 NPDB News introduces users to the enhancements that will go into effect starting April 20, 2015: new online self-service options to retrieve a DBID or User ID, a streamlined Self-Query workflow, and the ability to pre-pay for queries.
The March NPDB News is Now Available!
The March 2015 NPDB News reminds users about the upcoming in-person NPDB Spring 2015 Education Forum, informs readers why state licensing board actions do not have to be final to be reported to the NPDB, and discusses the reportability of clinical privileges actions.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2014. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The February NPDB News is Now Available!
The February 2015 NPDB News provides updates about the NPDB's compliance efforts, puts the spotlight on medical malpractice payment reporting scenarios, and details the two methods by which a practitioner may perform a Self-Query.
The January Data Bank News is Now Available!
The January 2015 Data Bank News shares highlights from the Data Bank user survey results, informs users about the upcoming Spring 2015 Education Forum and new educational video series, and explains the relationship of Credentials Verification Organizations to the Data Bank.


Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2014. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The December Data Bank News is Now Available!
The December 2014 Data Bank News shares information about the Affordable Care Act, details how the Florida Department of Health adopted Continuous Query for all Data Bank queries, and informs users about the Division of Practitioner Data Bank's customer support video resource series, as well as the upcoming Spring 2015 Education Forum.
The November Data Bank News is Now Available!
The November 2014 Data Bank News details the upcoming reporting enhancements, answers Data Bank administrators' top questions, and informs users about the Data Bank moving to the cloud.
Data Bank Users Should Plan for Upcoming System Unavailability
The Data Bank system will be undergoing system upgrades and will be unavailable from 7:00pm Thursday, November 13, 2014 until 8:00am Tuesday, November 18, 2014. The Data Bank website's querying and reporting functionality, QRXS, Self-Query Service, and the Report Response Service will be inaccessible during this time. Please prepare accordingly and complete all essential Data Bank activities before 7:00pm on Thursday, November 13th. The Customer Service Center will operate during normal business hours and may be reached by telephone at 1-800-767-6732 or by email at help@npdb.hrsa.gov.
The October Data Bank News is Now Available!
The October 2014 Data Bank News alerts users to the reduced query fees, reminds users about the upcoming State Licensing Board Orientation Webinar, and introduces an upcoming education forum. It also summarizes recent changes that should be reflected in organizations' Self-Query guidance, details user-prompted enhancements, and discusses confidentiality and authorized agents.
The September Data Bank News is Now Available!
The September 2014 Data Bank News alerts users to two important upcoming events, discusses the research statistics that have been updated, compares authorized agent and delegated credentialing relationships, and helps readers understand what is reportable to the Data Bank regarding medical malpractice payments.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2014. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The August Data Bank News is now available!
The August 2014 Data Bank News announces the upcoming query fee reduction, details how Continuous Query saves organizations time and money, and illustrates the benefits of Report Forwarding.
The July Data Bank News is Now Available!
The July 2014 Data Bank News issue tells third-party software users about an upcoming change that will affect them, details report type terminology, illustrates the differences between Data Bank administrators and Data Bank users, and offers an email address to which users can send webinar topics they would like to see in the future.
Statistical Data Have Been Refreshed
The NPDB Research Statistics and Data Analysis Tool have been updated to reflect data through 2013.
The NPDB Research Statistics pages display statistics for NPDB Medical Malpractice Payment Reports (MMPR) and Adverse Action Reports (AAR) reported on all practitioners by location for the years 2003 through 2013. The Data Analysis Tool, including data for years 1990 through 2013, permits users to perform specific data analyses and create their own customized data tables without using statistical software.
The June 2014 Data Bank News is Now Available!
The June 2014 Data Bank News details enforcement of SSN and ITIN validation rules; guides users on how to get query responses more quickly; explains how to use public information to help complete a report; and features an interview with Krishna, a Data Bank Technology Specialist.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2014. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The May 2014 Data Bank News is Now Available!
The May 2014 Data Bank News celebrates one year since the Data Bank merged, explores the latest compliance updates, announces an outstanding group performance award, and discusses a new feature on the query form: address validation.
Data Bank to Reduce Query Fees
Starting October 1, 2014, the new fee to query the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) will be $3.00 for both Continuous and One-Time Queries, and $5.00 for Self-Queries. All other aspects of querying and reporting will remain the same. For more information, please see the announcement in the Federal Register.
Results of Recent Licensing Authority Compliance Review
The April 1, 2014 compliance status posting is now live on the NPDB website! Data Bank staff worked carefully with licensing boards from 13 states to complete the review. This is part of a two year comprehensive approach to review all state licensing boards' adherence to federal requirements to report certain licensure actions to the Data Bank. To view the results of this effort, please visit the Data Bank Compliance Map.
The following is a summary of the results of the most recent effort.
The Compliance Branch team reviewed 415 professions.
  1. 95.4% (396 of 415) of professions are Compliant
  2. 1.0% (4 of 415) of professions are Non-Compliant
  3. 1.7% (7 of 415) of professions are Working Toward Compliance
  4. 1.9% (8 of 415) of professions are Under Review
For background information about the licensing board compliance efforts, including the definitions of each status, please read the background details.
The Compliance Branch team acknowledges and appreciates the responsiveness and cooperation of licensing board staff and leadership during this review process.
The April 2014 Data Bank News is Now Available!
The April 2014 Data Bank News shares news about a recent award the Data Bank received, discusses the option of multiple Data Bank administrators, and informs readers of the recent presentation the Data Bank made at the Health Care Compliance Association's annual conference.
The March 2014 Data Bank News is Available!
The March 2014 Data Bank News highlights how Continuous Query eases the credentialing process, introduces readers to a Data Bank Public Health Analyst, and answers the most common password-related questions.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2013. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
Public Comment Period on Revised NPDB Guidebook Closes
January 31 marked the end of the extended public comment period for the revised NPDB Guidebook. The draft Guidebook was first released for public comment in November 2013.
The Data Bank received more than 300 suggestions for changes to the draft Guidebook from more than two dozen individuals and organizations. All comments are now being reviewed in an effort to refine the draft.
Once suggestions have been incorporated and the internal review process is complete, the Data Bank will post the new Guidebook on its website. The posting will be announced on the website's home page and in the Federal Register.
The Data Bank thanks everyone who took the time to make suggestions that will lead to a clearer and improved NPDB Guidebook.
The February 2014 Data Bank News is Available!
The February 2014 Data Bank News details password and new user registration enhancements, discusses the NPDB user survey now in progress, and reminds readers about the Affordable Care Act and its web resources.
Survey of NPDB Users
The Data Bank and its parent agency, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), will soon begin a research effort to gather feedback about organizations' experiences with the Data Bank. Over the next few weeks, entities may receive an email from the Data Bank containing a link to the survey. Please consider completing this confidential survey, as your feedback is important to us, and will help us in our efforts to continually improve the Data Bank with your input in mind.
The January 2014 Data Bank News is Available!
The January 2014 Data Bank News looks back at some of the NPDB's major events in 2013, informs users of agent query and transaction lookup enhancements, and details the NPDB Customer Service Center's availability and services.
Draft NPDB Guidebook Open for Public Comment - Comment Period Extended
The NPDB Guidebook was recently revised. The new Guidebook incorporates legislative and regulatory changes adopted since its last edition, including the merger of the NPDB with the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank. The revised Guidebook offers Data Bank users more and clearer examples of when and how to report and query; more useful tables explaining Data Bank policies; and links to statutes, regulations, and this website.
On December 27, 2013, the Health Resources and Services Administration announced in the Federal Register the release of a draft of the revised user Guidebook for public comment before the final version is published. Comments may be submitted through January 31, 2014.
To receive an electronic PDF copy of the draft Guidebook, please email the Division of Practitioner Data Bank at NPDBPolicy@hrsa.gov. You will receive the draft Guidebook within one business day of your request. After review, you can submit comments to the same email address: NPDBPolicy@hrsa.gov. All comments will be collected via email rather than in hard copy form.
When submitting remarks, the Data Bank requests that commenters:
  • Reference the page number(s) each comment addresses;
  • Ensure comments are specific and relate to the clarity of the NPDB Guidebook's content, because regulatory or statutory concerns are beyond the scope of this comment process; and
  • Address your remarks to Ms. Ernia Hughes, Acting Director of the Division of Practitioner Data Bank.
The Data Bank appreciates your input and looks forward to providing the Data Bank community with a comprehensive and resourceful Guidebook.


The December Data Bank News is Available!
The December Data Bank News reminds entities that their eligibility to receive Data Bank information is determined by their statutory authority which is certified at registration, explains why it is important to submit complete and accurate query information, and prompts entities to remind practitioners that the Express Self-Query is available and it enables users to complete the online Self-Query without having to use a notary public.
Data Bank Webinar Forum for State Licensing Boards - Please Attend!
The Data Bank will be holding a webinar and teleconference for State Licensing Boards on Thursday, December 12, 2013 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., EST. State Licensing Boards are welcome to participate.
The purpose of this forum is to share updates from the Data Bank with licensing and other regulatory board users, including news about the updated NPDB Guidebook, as well as lessons learned from the recent rounds of compliance reviews. Further, this forum is an opportunity for users to provide feedback to the Data Bank's Compliance Branch staff. We welcome participants from your staff and board, as well.
Webinar Access Information (Please note that there is no need to RSVP for the forum in advance):
To access the webinar, which will begin at 1:30 p.m. EST on December 12, please use the following link and sign in as a guest: https://hrsa.connectsolutions.com/databank/.
To test that you will be able to successfully access the webinar, please use the following link - https://hrsa.connectsolutions.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm.
Audio access will be provided through a toll-free number. Please dial 888-469-0873 and enter participant code 121213. Live captioning of the audio will be provided during the webinar.
Note: You may participate in the audio portion of the forum without joining the webinar.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through September 30, 2013. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The November Data Bank News is Available!
The November Data Bank News explains how Report Forwarding gets reports to State Boards more quickly, introduces the new (and optional) "Additional Name" field on the entity registration form, and notifies ITP and QRXS users of upcoming changes.
Survey of NPDB Users
The Data Bank is conducting a satisfaction survey of the eligible NPDB users. The Federal Register contains the official notice that describes the details of this study.
We are asking organizations and individuals about their experiences using the Data Bank to collect information about Data Bank usability, including querying and reporting. We are also asking how Data Bank information is used regarding health care practitioners.
The Office of Management and Budget has approved this information collection effort which will begin in the very near future. When you receive the survey, please complete and submit it as quickly as possible. We are looking forward to receiving your feedback and using it to improve your future experiences with the Data Bank.
The October Data Bank News is Available!
The October Data Bank News informs readers about the 2014 ITP Sunset and transition to QRXS, gives readers a glimpse into the Data Bank's user-centered design process, and shares helpful hints regarding updating Self-Query instructions and the report and query form auto-complete enhancement.
The September Data Bank News is Available!
The September Data Bank News informs readers of the new Self-Query enhancements, including the option of online identity verification; introduces readers to a Data Bank Compliance Officer; and gives helpful hints for resetting your own password.
Attention QRXS Users: Updated Interface Control Documents (ICDs) Now Available
New ICDs for Querying and Reporting XML Service (QRXS) users are now available, in anticipation of upcoming February 2014 system enhancements. The updated QRXS ICDs pertain to One-time Query, Medical Malpractice Payment Report, Judgment or Conviction Report, Adverse Action Report, and Continuous Query transactions. The changes specified in these new versions take effect February 2014, and include:
  • Removal of the deprecated NPDB and HIPDB statutory authority records in the response files. This is due to the HIPDB merger making it no longer necessary to refer to the statutes in terms of two separate Data Banks.
  • Added an additional "Entity Name" field in the response files to provide an organization's full name when available.
Important Changes for ITP Users!
The Data Bank will be sunsetting the Interface Control Document Transfer Program (ITP) and replacing it with the Querying and Reporting XML Service (QRXS) on July 31, 2014. If you currently query or report through the Data Bank website or QRXS, you will not be affected by the ITP sunset. If you do use an external software product to perform large batch uploads and interact with the Data Bank, please see the ITP Sunset Fact Sheet for more information.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through June 30, 2013. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
Enhanced Data Bank Navigation and NPDB Research Statistics
The Data Bank has added tabs for Statistical Data and Compliance to the main navigation bar on the home page for easy access to these continually-updating informational resources.
Within the brand-new Statistical Data tab, users may view NPDB Research Statistics, the Data Analysis Tool, the Public Use Data File, and Annual Reports. NPDB Research Statistics is a newly-enhanced page that displays statistics for NPDB Medical Malpractice Payment Reports (MMPR) and Adverse Action Reports (AAR) reported on all practitioners by location for the years 2002 through 2012. Users can sort the data by profession or location. By clicking "View Map" in the upper right of the table, users may click a state to view its data.
Within the Compliance tab, now accessible directly from the main navigation bar, users may view the reporting compliance status of State Licensing and Certification Boards - by U.S. state, or by profession - as well as tutorials, webinars, and background information about reporting compliance.
As with all research, statistical, and compliance data, no personally identifying information is provided.
We look forward to bringing you future enhancements to these and other website resources as we find new ways to help users access information about the Data Bank's data.
The August Data Bank News is Available!
The August Data Bank News details the relationship between state record expungement and the voiding of Data Bank reports, spotlights when to submit reports for clinical privileges actions, and gives readers some helpful hints regarding the completion of Data Bank forms and preventing duplicate entity registration.
Enhanced Data Analysis Tool
The Data Bank enhanced and updated the Data Analysis Tool (DAT) that facilitates independent analysis of more than 20 years of reports contained in the NPDB. The tool now allows its users to choose from an expanded list of practitioners and to perform analyses on medical malpractice payment report amounts using an inflation factor. The DAT continues to use more than 20 years of data collected by NPDB. Located on the Data Bank's website, the DAT permits users to perform specific data analyses and create their own customized data tables without using statistical software.
The July Data Bank News is Available!
The July Data Bank News guides users on reporting medical malpractice payments, answers questions about the recent Data Bank merger, and informs readers about the Data Bank 101 for Nurses Fact Sheet - a primer for nurses on how to interact with the Data Bank.
The June Data Bank News is Available!
The June Data Bank News answers the top 5 questions about Continuous Query, updates QRXS and ITP users on report and query form code lists, tells users about the Self-Query guide for practitioners, and answers a user question in "Is It Reportable?"
The NPDB-HIPDB Has Become the NPDB!
Effective today, the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) and the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB) are now one Data Bank: the NPDB. The official website is https://www.npdb.hrsa.gov/. Users should update their bookmarks with the new Data Bank website address.
Users will experience no disruption in Data Bank service, and essentially no change to their reporting workflow or requirements. The HIPDB information did not go away, but was integrated into the NPDB. Users' access to Data Bank information may expand, meaning that query results may include reports that were previously only accessible through querying the HIPDB. If a user has been querying both the NPDB and HIPDB (through Continuous Query or One-Time Query), his or her query results will not change. However, if a user currently queries the NPDB only, he or she may now experience the following:
  • All Queriers: Information previously collected and disclosed through the HIPDB is now collected and disclosed through the NPDB. Users may see Federal and health plan actions/decisions in their query results that they were not able to receive before because they were only available through querying the HIPDB.
  • Continuous Query Users: Users may receive notifications for reports (specifically, Federal Government agency and health plan actions/decisions) that were previously unavailable to them for their enrolled practitioners.
  • ITP and QRXS Users: New codes for reporting government administrative actions were emailed to ITP and QRXS users approximately 30 days ago. Please make sure you have updated your code lists at this time.
  • All Reporters: Users will not experience any changes to reporting, as reporting requirements remain essentially the same. The three primary statutes (Title IV of Public Law 99-660, the Healthcare Quality Improvement Act of 1986, which established the NPDB; Section 1921 of the Social Security Act, which expanded the NPDB; and Section 1128E of the Social Security Act, added by Section 221(a) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, which established the HIPDB) remain in effect, though modified, and the merger simply combines them into one system.
The fees for querying the Data Bank will be the same after the merger becomes effective. The annual subscription fee for Continuous Query will continue to be $3.25 per practitioner enrolled. Traditional Query (also known as One-Time Query) will remain $4.75 per query. There are no plans to change the query fees at this time; however, if fees change, the Data Bank will publish information in the Federal Register and notify users. If you are a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital facility, please contact the Customer Service Center for additional information about fees.
Please read the Merger Q&A Fact Sheet or watch the Merger video for more information about the merger, or contact the NPDB Customer Service Center at 1-800-767-6732, or by email, with any further questions.
Data Bank Merger: Q&A Fact Sheet Updated
In response to questions received regarding the Data Bank merger, the Data Bank has updated its Merger Q&A Fact Sheet. This document will be updated regularly as additional merger questions are received.
The May Data Bank News is Available!
In the May Data Bank News the Data Bank details the upcoming Data Bank merger; celebrates the six-year anniversary of the Continuous Query service; and highlights the Data Analysis Tool, which allows users interested in research to generate data sets for Adverse Action Report (AAR) and Medical Malpractice Payment Report (MMPR) data.
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through March 31, 2013. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
Data Bank Merger: Merger Video Released and Live Q&A Sessions Announced
In order to provide guidance regarding the Data Bank merger, the Data Bank has released a merger video presentation, The Merger of the National Practitioner Data Bank and the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank: What You Need to Know. Additionally, Data Bank staff will be available to address specific questions related to the merger at three live question and answer sessions. Participants should review the above video presentation prior to the session. For all sessions, the toll-free telephone number is 1-888-233-9409 and the participant code is 24446.
  • April 24, 2013 (Wednesday), 2:30PM - 4:00PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
  • April 25, 2013 (Thursday), 1:00PM - 2:30PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
  • April 30, 2013 (Tuesday), 10:30AM - 12:00PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
Attention State Boards: Paperless Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) and Attestations are Now Available
State Boards may now complete compliance-related Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) and Attestations entirely online within the Data Bank system. State Boards can now easily complete the attestation process as part of their annual entity registration renewal, or complete their attestation at any time from the Compliance page after sign-in. Boards may now also work with their compliance officer to complete CAPs within the online Data Bank system. Both processes were formerly paper-based, and are now available online through the Compliance page for your convenience. Training videos and tutorials have been created to assist you with these new features.
The Data Bank Merger Is Coming!
Information regarding the merger (the National Practitioner Data Bank [NPDB] and the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank [HIPDB]) was published in the Federal Register, which means the NPDB and HIPDB will merge approximately 30 days from now into one Data Bank (NPDB) on May 6, 2013.
There will be no disruption in Data Bank service during normal business hours. However, the system will be unavailable between 7:00 p.m. on Friday, May 3, 2013 to 8:00 a.m. on Monday, May 6, 2013 (Eastern Time) for maintenance to complete the merger.
Please see our Data Bank Merger Q&A and The NPDB and HIPDB Are Merging for detailed information on what the merger will mean for your organization.
The April Data Bank News is Now Available!
The April Data Bank News tells users about the U.S. Map of Statistical Data and Compliance Statistics tool, shares some helpful hints, and answers a user question in "Is It Reportable?"
2011 Annual Report Published
The Data Bank is pleased to announce that the 2011 Annual Report is now available on the Data Bank website.
The March Data Bank News is Now Available!
The March Data Bank News tells users how to receive the most complete query response, answers a user question in "Is It Reportable?", and shares one user's experience in "My Continuous Query Story."
Public Use Data File Updated
The NPDB Public Use Data File has been updated to include disclosable statistical report information received from September 1, 1990 through December 31, 2012. The file does not contain any information that identifies individual practitioners or reporting entities and is designed for statistical analysis only.
The February Data Bank News is Now Available!
The February Data Bank News informs users of the Paperless Registration Renewal enhancement, reminds users about the Data Bank's learning and training resources, and guides users through the Related Query Response.
Enhanced Self-Query Workflow Now In Effect!
The Data Bank has introduced a streamlined workflow for entering a new Self-Query. In addition, your Self-Query result is now easier to interpret. The new cover page displays a summary of reports in Section C and lists the type of reports, if any, that are in the Data Bank on the queried subject. For information on how to interpret your self-query, please see our Self-Query guide.
The January 2013 Data Bank News is now available!
In the January 2013 Data Bank News, the Data Bank shares Coreen's experience with Continuous Query, informs readers of their responsibilities for protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII), gives a short reminder about Self-Query, and answers user questions in "Dear Data Bank."
Paperless Registration Renewal Now In Effect!
The Data Bank has implemented paperless registration renewals, which means (for most entities) your Data Bank Administrator will now be able to renew your entity's registration entirely online. Please see the How to Renew Registration page for more information.

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