NPDB Insights
Receive Temporary Password via Text Message
If you find yourself unable to access the NPDB due to a password issue, you can now sign into the NPDB with a temporary password sent to your mobile phone number! Select "Need Help?" on the NPDB Sign-In page and enter your DBID and User ID to receive a temporary password via text message. Please note: your mobile phone number must be added to your account in advance of being locked out in order to use this helpful feature.
Is It Reportable?

Should a medical malpractice payment made exclusively for the benefit of a clinic, hospital, or other health care entity be reported?
No. Medical malpractice payments made solely for the benefit of a clinic, hospital, or other health care entity should not be reported to the NPDB. However, a payment made for the benefit of a professional corporation or business entity consisting only of a sole practitioner is reportable to the NPDB.
New Querying Infographics Available

The NPDB has released two new infographics to answer many of your questions regarding the querying process. They are always available from the NPDB Infographics section of the NPDB home page for your reference.
The first infographic, "Can I Query the NPDB? What Do I Get?", summarizes the two main criteria an organization must meet to query the NPDB, and provides examples of eligible organizations. It also provides an overview of what may be included in a query result.
The second infographic, "How Do I Query?" guides you through the process of submitting a query, from sign-in to receiving a result, and highlights key choices you need to make. It also includes a step for activating Continuous Query, which provides the same query result as a One-Time Query, plus notifications about new or updated reports on the same subject for one year, at no additional cost.
Hospital Registration Renewal Updates and New Hospital Web Page

Organizations are required to renew their NPDB registration every two years. The registration renewal process is designed to assist organizations to quickly review and update their NPDB profile. In a rapidly changing industry with ever-changing networks and systems of care, it is critically important for the NPDB to understand how your hospital is meeting the federal reporting and querying requirements. Soon, hospitals renewing their NPDB registration will be asked to provide additional information in a newly-created Hospital Registration Profile. The NPDB is collecting this information to provide the best experience for hospitals in the future.
Once hospitals submit their completed registration renewal, they will link to the new one-page Hospital Registration Profile. The profile seeks to clarify to which professions your hospital grants clinical privileges; and whether decision-making (e.g., employment, credentialing, privileging, disciplinary) and NPDB transactions (reporting and querying) are done in-house, or by other organizations on your behalf.
Additionally, the NPDB has dedicated a special section of the NPDB website to hospitals. The hospital resource page links to content most frequently asked for and required by hospitals to perform their NPDB transactions.
The latest updates and resources are available at
Previous editions of NPDB Insights are available in our archive.