How to Renew Registration
Every two years the administrator is required to renew their organization's registration. Organizations will receive emails reminding them to renew their registration 60, 30, and 5 days before it expires.
Renewing the registration on time ensures that all user accounts have access to the NPDB and can continue to query and report.
To Renew your Registration
Your Data Bank administrator must complete the following steps:
- Sign into the NPDB.
- On the Entity Registration Confirmation page select Renew Registration.
- Review the information listed which may include the following:
- Organization's Identification Information
- Eligibility/Statutory Authority
- Primary/Additional Functions
- CMS Certification Number
- Query Preference (for hospitals only)
- Certifying Official and Point of Contact for Reports
- User Accounts
- Once you have reviewed the information, check the box stating "This information is true, complete, and correct" and then select Submit to the NPDB.
- If the Certifying Official changed from the initial registration or last renewal, you will need to upload the registration document(s) as required.
After completing the renewal, Data Bank administrators will be prompted to attest that they are meeting their reporting requirements.