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Overview Submitting Reports to the NPDB Reporting Medical Malpractice Payments Reporting Adverse Clinical Privileges Actions Reporting Adverse Professional Society Membership Actions Reporting State Licensure and Certification Actions Reporting Federal Licensure and Certification Actions Reporting Peer Review Organization Negative Actions or Findings Reporting Private Accreditation Organization Negative Actions or Findings Reporting Exclusions from Participation in Federal or State Health Care Programs Reporting Federal or State Health Care-Related Criminal Convictions Reporting Health Care-Related Civil Judgments Reporting Other Adjudicated Actions or Decisions

Registering with the NPDB

Eligible entities are responsible for certifying their eligibility to report to and/or query the NPDB by registering with the NPDB. The online registration and certification process determines and sets an entity's requirements and restrictions regarding querying and reporting to the NPDB.

Eligible entities not currently registered with the NPDB should complete an Entity Registration form. The information requested on the Entity Registration form provides the NPDB with essential information concerning the entity, such as the organization's name, address, point of contact for reports, Federal Taxpayer Identification Number, type of ownership, the organization's authority to participate in the NPDB under each of the statutes governing the NPDB, and the organization's primary function or service.

Eligible entities are responsible for certifying their eligibility to report to and/or query the NPDB by registering with the NPDB.

Each entity that initiates the entity registration process is given a Data Bank Identification Number (DBID) and must create a user ID and a password for its account. Once an entity completes the entity registration documents, the entity's certifying official must sign the documents before returning them to the NPDB for processing. An entity is not successfully registered until the NPDB receives all registration and verification documents and the registration forms are confirmed by the NPDB. The registration process must be completed before an entity is able to submit reports and queries.

E-Authentication and Identity Proofing

Eligible entities access the NPDB through the internet. For security reasons, NPDB users must be properly authorized and authenticated before they are granted access to the NPDB. In addition, federal entities, such as the NPDB, that allow access to internet-based information systems must meet certain technical and operational requirements that are published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

The NPDB uses a combination of security measures to accomplish its security goals, including but not limited to perimeter boundary protection, encryption, e-authentication, and identity proofing. Each eligible entity is e-authenticated through a positive and unique identification process. During the registration process, the entity submits information that uniquely identifies it, which is validated by the NPDB before querying or reporting access is granted by the NPDB.

Likewise, individuals authorized by an eligible entity must be identity proofed and provide proof of entity affiliation in order to perform certain actions appropriate to their role (i.e., querying, reporting, or both) through a positive and unique identification process. Eligible entity administrators are responsible for identity-proofing authorized users and must complete administrator training before performing this function.

Certifying Official

A certifying official is the individual selected and empowered by an entity to certify the legitimacy of registration for participation in the NPDB. The certifying official is responsible for:

  • Completing the Entity Registration form
  • Notifying the NPDB of any change in eligibility: If the entity relinquishes eligibility to participate in the NPDB, the certifying official must notify the NPDB to deactivate the entity's DBID

Each entity may change its designated certifying official at any time. The entity must notify the NPDB when changes occur because the NPDB keeps a record of the staff title and name of the individual assigned as the certifying official.


The administrator manages NPDB activities and is responsible for creating and maintaining NPDB user accounts for all individuals in the organization who are querying or reporting.

Each eligible entity is responsible for designating an administrator, who may be, but need not be, the entity's certifying official. The administrator is responsible for updating the entity's registration profile and, if desired, may designate one or more authorized agents to query and/or report on behalf of the entity by completing an Authorized Agent Designation form and submitting it to the NPDB. The administrator manages NPDB activities and is responsible for creating and maintaining NPDB user accounts for all individuals in the organization who are querying or reporting. The administrator is responsible for ensuring that all users have their identities proofed or authenticated as part of an organization's registration or renewal process. Each entity may designate more than one administrator if it so chooses. Administrators must complete administrator training prior to identity-proofing users and creating user accounts. The self-guided training provides instructions for identity proofing and maintaining user accounts. To access the administrator training, go to the Administrator Options page after logging into the NPDB. The Administrator Tools page on the NPDB website offers links to valuable information for administrators.

Registration Renewal

Entities are required periodically to recertify their eligibility by renewing their registration. This mandatory registration renewal encourages periodic review of eligibility requirements to interact with the NPDB. Registration renewals also ensure that the information that the NPDB maintains on each organization is accurate and current. Failure to renew registration will result in the entity's inability to access the NPDB until the registration has been renewed.

During renewal, entities may be asked to attest that all actions required by law to be reported have been reported to the NPDB. In addition, entities may be asked to attest to other relevant NPDB activity, including querying, registration, or confidentiality.

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