Q&A: Submitting Reports
- How long are reports maintained in the NPDB?
- May a reporting organization provide a copy of an NPDB report to the subject of the report?
- Certain NPDB reporting formats collect information concerning health care entities with which the subject of the report is "affiliated or associated." Does the definition of "affiliated or associated" include an employment relationship?
- Please explain when a Revision-to-Action Report should be used and when a Correction Report should be used.
- How should a previously reported action that is overturned on appeal be reported to the NPDB?
- If a hospital's decision to terminate a physician is based on a licensure action, must the hospital file a Notice of Appeal if the physician appeals either the licensure or termination?
- Some entities are required to submit copies of NPDB reports to the appropriate state licensing board. Is it possible to do this electronically?