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Who Can Report and Query? Infographic
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NPDB Guidebook
NPDB: Who Can Report and Query?

NPDB: Who Can Report and Query?
Entity Type | Report | Query |
Hospitals | Required | Required |
Health plans | Required | Optional |
Health care entities with formal peer review | Required | Optional |
Medical malpractice payers | Required | Not Authorized |
State licensing and certification agencies | Required | Optional |
State agencies administering or supervising state programs | Required | Optional |
State law enforcement agencies or fraud control units | Required | Optional |
Federal licensing and certification agencies | Required | Optional |
Agencies administering federal health care programs | Required | Optional |
Federal law enforcement officials and agencies | Required | Optional |
Professional societies with formal peer review | Required | Optional |
Peer review organizations | Required | Not Authorized |
Private accreditation organizations | Required | Not Authorized |
Quality improvement organizations | Not Authorized | Optional |
- Federal law regulates who can either query, report, or both. Each organization that registers with the NPDB is responsible for determining its eligibility.
- Hospitals are mandated by federal law to query the NPDB. Other health care entities (marked as "Optional") generally may query the NPDB, but are not required to by federal law.
- Practitioners may submit a Self-Query, but cannot report or query on other practitioners.
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