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NPDB Reporting Requirements and Query Access

Legislation Who Reports? What Information is Reported? Who is Reported? Who May Query/ Request Information?
Title IV Medical malpractice payers Medical malpractice payments Practitioners Hospitals (required by law)

Other health care entities with formal peer review

Professional societies with formal peer review

State Medical and Dental Boards and other State Licensing Boards

Plaintiff's attorney/pro se plaintiffs (limited circumstances)

Health care practitioners (self-query)

Researchers (De-identified statistical data only)
State Medical and Dental Boards Adverse licensure actions (including but not limited to network participation and panel membership) Physicians and dentists
Other health care entities with formal peer review
Adverse clinical privileges actions Physicians and dentists
Other practitioners (optional)
Professional societies with formal peer review Adverse professional society membership actions Physicians and dentists

Other practitioners (optional)
Drug Enforcement Administration DEA controlled substance registration actions Practitioners
HHS Office of Inspector General Exclusions from Medicare, Medicaid and other Federal health care programs Practitioners
Section 1921 Peer review organizations Negative actions or findings by peer review organizations Practitioners Hospitals and other health care entities*

Professional societies with formal peer review*

Quality Improvement Organizations*

State Licensing and Certification Authorities

Agencies administering Federal health care programs, including private entities administering such programs under contract

Federal Licensing and Certification Agencies

Health plans

State law enforcement agencies***

State Medicaid Fraud Control Units***

State agencies administering or supervising the administration of state health care programs***

Federal law enforcement officials and agencies

Health care practitioners, health care entities, providers, suppliers (Self-Query)

Researchers (de-identified, statistical data only)
Private accreditation organizations Negative actions or findings by private accreditation organizations Health care entities, providers, suppliers
State Licensing and Certification Authorities State licensure and certification actions Practitioners, health care entities, providers, suppliers
State law enforcement agencies***

State Medicaid Fraud Control Units***

State agencies administering or supervising the administration of state health care programs***
Exclusions from a state health care program

Health care-related civil judgments in state court

Health care-related state criminal convictions

Other adjudicated actions or decisions
Practitioners, providers, suppliers (all actions)
Section 1128E Federal Government agencies
Health plans
Federal licensure and certification actions *

Exclusions from a Federal health care program**

Health care-related Federal or state criminal convictions**

Health care-related civil judgments in Federal or state court

Other adjudicated actions or decisions
Practitioners, providers, suppliers (all actions)

*These entities have access to all information reported under Section 1128E and limited information under Section 1921.
**Reported by Federal Government agencies only.
***The NPDB regulations define "state law or fraud enforcement agency" to include but not to be limited to these entities.

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