What actions are reported to the NPDB?
What do I Include in the narrative section when submitting a report?
Does the subject have a license for the selected profession or field of licensure?
What is the difference between a Correction Report and a Revision-to-Action Report?
Step-by-Step Instructions
Retrieve Historical Report Summaries
View Electronic Notices of Action

Reporting Adverse Clinical Privileges Actions
This video provides a high level overview of reporting clinical privilege actions to the NPDB. New
Watch the Video (4:34)Resources
What You Must Report to the NPDB
MMPR Form (MS Word - 100 KB)
Past Reporting Webinar/Webcasts
Clinical Privileges Reporting Scenarios Webinar
Writing Narrative Descriptions for Reports Webinar
Is It Reportable? Reporting Scenarios Webcast
Reporting Clinical Privileges Webcast Q&As
Is It Reportable? Reporting Scenarios Webcast Q&As
Medical Malpractice Payments Reporting Requirements Teleconference Q&As