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NPDB 2019 Education Forum

NPDB 2019 Education Forum - April 9, 2018 - HRSA

On April 9th we met with our user community to partner to protect patients at our 2019 Education Forum. Attendees traveled to Maryland from all over the United States to learn more about the NPDB. Participants representing state licensing boards, medical malpractice payers, federal organizations, hospitals, and other health care organizations were eager to learn and collaborate to solve reporting scenarios and discuss reporting requirements.

We held sessions on the different types of reporting requirements for medical malpractice, clinical privileges actions, panel membership actions, other adjudicated actions, and state licensing board actions. We also presented overviews of the NPDB, querying, the Guidebook, and the website.

Presentations from each session are located below under Agenda. For questions about the forum or if you are interested in hosting an event with us, please contact NPDBPolicy@hrsa.gov.


Session Description Resources/Materials
NPDB Overview Learn about our purpose, basic reporting requirements for clinical privileges actions, medical malpractice payments, and state licensure actions, and basic querying requirements. This session is excellent for NPDB users who are new to the NPDB. NPDB Overview Presentation
(PDF - 1,568 KB)
Querying Overview Find out how to get the most out of querying by understanding query requirements, system changes, and how to interpret the query responses you receive. Querying Overview Presentation
(PDF - 1,874 KB)
NPDB Guidebook and Website Receive an overview of our guidebook and website, the main tools that we provide to users for reference, system usage, and policy guidance. You will learn to identify guidebook changes and navigate our website, as well as have the opportunity to ask related questions. NPDB Guidebook and Website Presentation
(PDF - 2,035 KB)
Clinical Privileges and Panel Membership Reporting Requirements Learn about adverse clinical privileges and panel membership reporting requirements and policies through discussions with the NPDB staff and your peers. Clinical Privileges and Panel Membership Reporting Requirements
(PDF - 732 KB)
Medical Malpractice Payment Reporting Requirements Learn about medical malpractice payment reporting requirements and policies through discussions with the NPDB staff and your peers. Medical Malpractice Payment Reporting Requirements
(PDF - 1,579 KB)
State Licensure Reporting Requirements Learn about state licensure action reporting requirements and policies through discussions with the NPDB staff and your peers. State Licensure Reporting Requirements Presentation
(PDF - 1,494 KB
Other Adjudicated Actions and Decisions Reporting Requirements Learn about other adjudicated actions and decisions reporting requirements and policies through discussions with the NPDB staff and your peers. Other adjudicated actions and decisions are formal or official actions taken against a health care practitioner, provider, or supplier by a federal agency, state law enforcement agency, state Medicaid fraud control unit, state agency administering or supervising the administration of a state health care program, or health plan. Other Adjudicated Actions and Decisions Reporting Requirements
(PDF - 443 KB)
NPDB Innovations Provide feedback on proposals we are considering implementing in the future that may improve your NPDB experience. Participants should have a working knowledge of the NPDB.
Reporting Scenarios - Adverse Clinical Privileges Actions Enhance your understanding of adverse clinical privileges actions and apply regulations and policies to complicated scenarios to determine whether an adverse clinical privileges action should be reported.
Reporting Scenarios - State Licensure Actions Enhance your understanding of state licensure actions and apply regulations and policies to complicated scenarios to determine whether a state licensure action should be reported.
Reporting Scenarios - Medical Malpractice Payments Enhance your understanding of medical malpractice payments and apply regulations and policies to complicated scenarios to determine whether a medical malpractice payment should be reported.
Trending Issues Discuss the hot topics and trending issues raised throughout the day.