HIPDB Archive

The Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB) was established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191, (HIPDB's authorizing statute is also referred to as Section 1128E of the Social Security Act). The purpose of the HIPDB was to help combat health care fraud and abuse. The HIPDB is no longer operational; however, information previously collected and disclosed by the HIPDB is now collected and disclosed by the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB). Although the HIPDB no longer exists as a separate Data Bank, we provide this page as a historic reference for HIPDB information.
HIPDB Historical Summary
This page contains historical information pertaining to the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB), which officially became part of the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) May 6, 2013. While the NPDB and the HIPDB were established for different purposes, overlap existed in some reporting and querying requirements. To eliminate this duplication, Congress passed Section 6403 of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, Public Law 111-148. As part of this legislation, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was required to set up a transition period to transfer all data in the HIPDB to the NPDB, and, once completed, to cease HIPDB operations. Information previously collected and disclosed through the HIPDB is now collected and disclosed through the NPDB. Final regulations implementing Section 6403 of the Affordable Care Act were published in the Federal Register April 5, 2013.
Legislation & Regulations
The documents below are references to legislation, regulations, and Federal Register Notices that previously governed the HIPDB prior to the NPDB and HIPDB merger in 2013. The underlying statute, 1128E, though modified, is still in force under the NPDB.
- Section 1128E of the Social Security Act (P.L. 104-191, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)
- Final Regulations, Section 1128E
- May 12, 2010 Federal Register Vol. 75, No. 91. Announces the process for publication of government agencies that are non-compliant with the HIPDB reporting requirements.
- August 21, 2007 Federal Register Vol. 72, No. 161. Announces a follow-up study to the NPDB User and Non-User Surveys of 2001. The study will evaluate the effectiveness of the NPDB and the HIPDB as flagging systems, sources of information, and decision making tools.
- February 21, 2007 Federal Register Vol. 72, No. 34. Announces the NPDB-HIPDB Gallup Organization survey.
- July 13, 2007 Federal Register Vol. 72, No. 134. Announces a thirty day request for comments and recommendations on extending the OMB Clearance for HIPDB forms.
- June 11, 2007 Federal Register Vol. 72, No. 111. Announces the HIPDB annual subscription fee for the PDS.
- March 12, 2007 Federal Register Vol. 72, No. 47. Announces a sixty day request for comments and recommendation on extending the OMB Clearance for HIPDB forms.
- March 10, 2006 Federal Register Vol. 71, No. 47. Announces new query fee for the HIPDB.
- September 13, 2005 Federal Register Vol. 70, No. 176. Announces the HIPDB correction to amendment.
- June 24, 2005 Federal Register Vol. 70, No. 121. Announces the HIPDB corrections amendment notice.
- May 6, 2004 Federal Register Vol. 69, No. 88. Announces new self-query fee for the HIPDB.
- April 22, 2003 Federal Register Vol. 68, No. 77. Announces new query fee for the HIPDB.
- June 11, 2001 Federal Register Vol. 66, No. 112. Announces new query fee for the HIPDB.
- November 24, 2000 Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 227. Correction amendment to the HIPDB Final Rule. Corrects the regulatory definition of the term health plan.
- December 20, 1999 Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 243. Correction to the amendment to the HIPDB Final Rule. Allows the subject of a HIPDB report or designated representative to dispute the report at any time.
- November 1, 1999 Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 210. Announces HIPDB self-query fee.
- October 26, 1999 Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 206. Final Rule, HIPDB.
- October 30, 1998 Federal Register Vol. 63, No. 210. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), HIPDB.
- HIPDB Guidebook (PDF - 571 KB)