NPDB Guide to Reporting State Licensure Actions
Infographics provide basic guidance only. Review federal regulations and the NPDB Guidebook for comprehensive instructions.

NPDB Guide to Reporting State Licensure Actions
Before Submitting:
Did your board take one or more actions against a practitioner as a result of a formal proceeding (such as a formal hearing, settlement agreement, consent order, etc.) that includes one of the following?:
- An adverse action, including revocation, suspension, reprimand, censure or probation
- Any other loss of a license or right to apply for/renew license by operation of law, voluntary surrender, or nonrenewal, etc. (excluding non-payment of fees, retirement, inactive status)
- A dismissal or closure of a formal proceeding because the practitioner surrendered license or left jurisdiction
- Any publicly available negative action or finding (includes a health care-related administrative fine or citation)
The first three listed, do not have to be publicly available to be reportable
If one of the following applies, Submit an Initial Adverse Action Report within 30 days of when the action was taken.
Report Modifications (when needed):
The NPDB notifies the subject of a report when a report is submitted and when any of these modifications are made.
- Did you organization take an action that modifies or relates to a previously reported action (including reinstatements)? If yes, Submit a Revision to Action report.
- Did your organization determine there is an error or omission in a previously submitted report? If yes, submit a Correction Report.
- Did your organization determine that an action should not have been reported because:
- The report was erroneously submitted?
- The action is not reportable?
- The action was revered or overturned?
These are the only reasons for which a report may be voided.
- Did a practitioner appeal a previously reported action by your board.? If yes, then submit a Notice of Appeal.
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